Healthy Food

Health Functional Foods

1. Overview

Health Functional Food Act Article 3
Abbreviated dry season type. It means that the ingredients that can help health are processed into the form of foods that can be easily ingested.

Healthy food

2. Difference from medicine

Health functional foods are simply made in the form of extracts or pills for easy ingestion of certain ingredients. Therefore, it is a wrong way to treat people with health functional foods or to prevent illness, and it can be very disappointing to take a certain effect like medicine. Medicines can be sold only if they have a definite purpose to heal or prevent a specific disease and have a definite effect by proving their effects for a long time and money. However, health functional foods are relatively easy to obtain marketing authorization, It is cheap. Of course, the effect is very cheap. Or it does not work at all.

Healthy food

Health functional foods, the Health Functional Food Act was enacted, the amount of health functional foods at a level that can not really help the human body as much as quaking medicine has decreased, but the effect of health functional foods has not increased more than ever. Nonetheless, vendors often sell hygiene foods as hype as if they were powerful remedies or preventative measures.

Especially, multi-level sales products are over-hyped, and the ingredients are similar to or less than the market products, and they are sold at a price of 35 cents or more. The unhealthy words that cancer cells have disappeared There are many cases that deceive these desperate people. If the health functional food is not a medicine, it can not be cured or prevented, and if it is damaged, it is possible to obtain evidence by recording or photograph,.

However, it is known that it is effective for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases to the extent that it is close to the general medicine, but in some cases, it is certified as a health functional food without being certified as general medicine. Time and cost are different, and the dry season is more accessible to the market because they can be sold on the Internet. However, even in such cases, the efficacy and safety of the drug and the dry season are significantly different. The products sold as pharmaceuticals, from production to management and research, are by far the most rigorously governed by the law.

3. Health food? Health functional foods?

Why is health food redirected to this document? Health functional foods have a certain standard of production and sale by the Health Functional Food Act, but there is no law that prescribes health food separately It is classified as general food.

Some foods are not healthy functional foods because they are known to be good for their health. "Health functional food" is a product made through a certain procedure in accordance with the regulations on health functional food and has a phrase "health functional food" or a certification mark. In this regard, names such as 'health food', 'natural food', and 'natural food' are different from 'healthy functional food'. For example, if black beans are recognized as good for health, black beans become health foods, and if they want to extract black bean ingredients and make them into tablets, they can be licensed and sold as health functional foods.

Healthy Food

4. Features

In general, physicians often do not recommend health care through health functional foods. The most proven method of health care is not a reliance on health functional foods, but a fact that has already been scientifically proven to be a balanced diet (adequate nutrition), adequate rest (sleep), regular life, and moderate exercise. It is a general view of academia that further ingestion of certain ingredients is not medically significant. However, if you are not as ambitious as you are in the past or the present, most people are not able to practice all four of the above-mentioned methods in their lives. It is a problem that many people want to supplement nutrients that they feel are lacking in eating healthy and functional foods for their health even if they invest money, but the effect is not proven yet.

Many of these studies, such as multivitamins, seem to be positive to some extent about the ingredients found to play a definite role in vivo. Especially for the elderly in the silver class, who have a limited number of occupations, such as seafarers living in the sea, who are not able to consume a variety of foods, and whose age is weakened due to age, comprehensive nutritional supplements may be more effective for health care than others. But even in this case, it is usually more advisable to actually eat the fruit or food that actually contains the nutrients rather than buy refined nutrients if possible. Health functional foods should be thought of as balancing them in unavoidable circumstances. It is not desirable to depend on them or to have effects above a certain level.

Healthy Food

Concerns in the medical community, in particular, are that some patients rely on functional foods to miss their time to get accurate diagnosis and treatment without knowing their exact physical condition. However, the health functional foods are not medicines, and the idea of self-treatment of your body without a doctor's diagnosis and prescription is a very dangerous idea. If you start to take the health functional food without knowing its identity properly, you may be overpowering your health functional food by experiencing the exaggerated health functional foods of the people around you and various placebo effects.

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