Gym detail and Types

Gym detail and Types 
Gym detail and Types

1. Description

A building with facilities for athletic or exercise learning indoors. It was in the name of the gymnasium from ancient Greek-Roman times. However, Gymnasium in the German language means not a gym but a German secondary school. So, the origin of Gymnasium became the motive of the school which is the basic education facility of today, and the gymnasium was the basic education facility to train excellent soldiers.

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Looking back at the history of education, it was the gymnasium where young people were educated since ancient times. In the gym, the primary purpose was to train good soldiers and to learn gymnastics, fighting, wrestling, swordsmanship, and dressing. When the gymnasium was established, it became necessary to equip facilities such as a bathroom where you could wash sweat naturally and tools and facilities for education such as desks and chairs and to teach skilled skills. That is, a teacher became necessary. In order to train better soldiers, it was necessary to educate them in history, military science, philosophy, law, language, texts, science, etc., and the gymnasium, which was only in charge of physical training, It will expand its functions to schools that are educational facilities.

Gym detail and Types

It usually comes in contact with school gymnasiums, national and public gymnasiums, and fitness clubs. It has the advantage of being able to do various activities regardless of the weather, but it also has a disadvantage that it is not suitable for sports requiring a large space such as soccer and baseball with a large construction cost and maintenance cost. So it is the domed arena that was created to make these items irrespective of the weather. But this too is not enough money to go beyond the gym.

2. School Gym

It's the romance of boys going to school without a gym. Even with snow! Physical education! But the truth is not necessary. The classroom has already become a gymnasium. However, the school seems to consider the opening of management because of management problems quite a bit. In the old days, it was hard to build a school with a gym but rather a school of a certain size. However, in the 2000s, the new school building is equipped with a gym to be large or small. The floor is flat, and the school gym is called the gym, but it is often called the auditorium. There are schools with preparation rooms and showers.

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It is a favorite place for various events besides physical activity. Entrance ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, as well as student chairperson elections and performances are possible.

In the newly constructed school gymnasium, the physical education warehouse is basic, and the gymnasium dedicated broadcasting room + physical education teacher's office is installed.

Gym detail and Types

3. Sports gym

There is also a gymnasium built to teach various martial arts and martial arts events. It is often called a painting. Generally, there is a tendency to call the Korean / Japanese kanji culture martial arts as a painting, and Western martial arts as a gym.

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The gym for anaerobic exercise is called a fitness club.

The gym used in North American professional sports is basically designed for basketball and ice hockey for the NBA and NHL (11 in total). In addition, WWE, X-Games and various sporting events are available to play and is designed to perform for 10,000 performances. The standard itself is well compatible so there is no major inconvenience in playing basketball-hockey.

Gym detail and Types

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