Dengue Fever causes, symptoms, Treatment


The causative factor

Dengue fever is a severe mosquito-borne infection caused by the dengue virus. It is found worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions. For example, dengue fever is endemic in many countries in Southeast Asia. Dengue virus encompasses 4 different serotypes, each of which causes dengue fever and severe dengue (also known as 'dengue hemorrhagic fever').

Dengue Fever causes, symptoms, Treatment

Clinical features

Clinical symptoms of dengue fever include high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes, and rash. Some infected individuals may not develop symptoms, and others may have milder symptoms such as fever, eg children may present with a mild non-specific febrile illness with a red rash.

Symptoms of the first infection are usually mild. Once cured, life-long immunity is developed against this dengue virus serotype. However, cross-immunity against the other three serotypes after recovery is only partial and transient. In severe dengue, subsequent infections with other serotypes of the dengue virus are likely.

Acute dengue is a serious and potentially fatal complication of dengue fever. Initially, features include high fever, which may last for 2 7 days and may be as high as 40 41°C, dengue may cause jaundice and other non-specific physical symptoms. Later, warning signs such as severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, fatigue, restlessness, and manifestations of a bleeding tendency such as rapid bruising, from the nose or gums, and possibly internal bleeding occurs. Maybe. In severe cases, it can lead to circulatory failure, shock, and death.

Mode of death

Dengue fever is transmitted to humans through the bite of female Aedes mosquitoes. When a patient with dengue fever is bitten by a vector mosquito, that mosquito also becomes infected, and it can spread the disease by biting other people. This disease does not spread from person to person. In Hong Kong, the principal vector Aedes aegypti has not been found, but Aedes albopictus, which can also transmit the disease, is a common mosquito found in Hong Kong.


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever and severe dengue. Dengue fever usually resolves on its own. Symptomatic medications are usually given to relieve anxiety. A patient with severe dengue can be treated promptly with supportive care. The key to treatment is maintaining fluid/blood circulation in the body. With appropriate and timely treatment, the mortality rate is less than 1 percent.


Currently, there is no locally registered dengue vaccine available in Hong Kong. The best preventive measure in Hong Kong is to eliminate standing water reservoirs that serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and to avoid mosquito bites.

Dengue Fever causes, symptoms, Treatment

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General measures on prevention of mosquito-borne diseases

1. Wear loose, light-colored, long-sleeved tops and pants, and use DEET-containing insect repellent on exposed parts of the body and clothing.

2. Take extra precautions when engaging in outdoor activities: Use a DEET-containing substance.

Avoid using cosmetics or skin care products. Reapply insecticides as directed

3. Special Notes for Traveling Abroad:

If you are traveling to affected areas or countries, schedule a consultation with a doctor at least 6 weeks before travel, and take extra precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

During the visit, if traveling to infected rural areas, carry a portable mosquito net and apply permethrin (a mosquito repellent) to it. Permethrin should not be applied to the skin. If you feel unwell, take medical attention immediately

Scientific studies have shown that infected individuals can transmit the virus to mosquitoes through mosquito bites even if they are asymptomatic or before they develop symptoms, further spreading the disease. cause of, Therefore, travelers returning from affected areas should apply for insect repellent within 14 days of arrival in Hong Kong. If you feel unwell e.g., have a fever, seek medical advice immediately, and provide the doctor with travel details.

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